Objects description


There are two types of behaviour that can be configured when instantiating the CifFileReader. You can specify the file type as either ‘data’ (default) or ‘dictionary’.

  • If ‘dictionary’ is specified the reader will always return a CifFile object regardless of the ‘output’ flag in the read() method.

  • If ‘data’ is specified (this is the default behaviour), the ‘output’ flag in the read method.

import pdbecif.mmcif_io as mmcif
cfr = mmcif.CifFileReader(input='dictionary')

By changing the ‘output’ parameter, users can customize the way in which mmCIF is returned. output takes one of three values i.e.:

  1. ‘cif_dictionary’ returns a tuple of datablock_id and mmCIF data

    (cif_id, cif_dictionary) = cfr.read("../../resources/dodgy.cif", output='cif_dictionary')
  2. ‘cif_wrapper’ returns a CIFWrapper object that encapsulates mmCIF-like dictionaries for python ‘dot’ notation data access

    cif_wrapper = cfr.read("../../resources/dodgy.cif", output='cif_wrapper')
  3. ‘cif_file’ returns a CifFile object that fully encapsulates all components of mmCIF files

     cif_file = cfr.read("../../resources/dodgy.cif", output='cif_file')

NB: if ‘input’ is set as ‘dictionary’ when instantiating CifFileReader, ‘output’ will have no effect


CifFileWriter accepts mmCIF-like dictionaries, CIFWrapper objects, and CifFile objects to write. Files can be compressed while writing using the compress=True flag.

Examples continued from above:

cfd = mmcif.CifFileWriter("../../resources/cif_dictionary_test.cif")
cfw = mmcif.CifFileWriter("../../resources/cif_wrapper_test.cif")
cff = mmcif.CifFileWriter("../../resources/cif_file_test.cif")


A very low level access to mmCIF data files. MMCIF2Dict has one method parse() that returns (datablock_id, mmCIF_data) tuples as (str, dict)

MMCIF2Dict is very fast at reading mmCIF data.

from pdbecif.mmcif_tools import MMCIF2Dict

>>> obj = MMCIF2Dict().parse('1tqn_updated.cif')
>>> print(obj)

Resulting structure is a plain python dictionary with mmCIF category names organized as keys. Value to that key is another python dictionary with mmCIF fields being keys and value is either a string (provided there is just a single value) or an array if _loop element was present and there are multiple values to a given field.

Category examples

Category with a single value per field

    "1TQN": {
        "_entry": {
            "id": "1TQN"
        "_symmetry": {
            "entry_id": "1TQN",
            "space_group_name_H-M": "I 2 2 2",
            "pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M": "?",
            "cell_setting": "?",
            "Int_Tables_number": "23",
            "space_group_name_Hall": "?"

Multivalue category per field

        "_entity": {
            "id": ["1", "2", "3"],
            "type": ["polymer", "non-polymer", "water"],
            "src_method": ["man", "syn", "nat"],
            "pdbx_description": ["cytochrome P450 3A4", "PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE", "water"],
            "formula_weight": ["55594.637", "616.487", "18.015"],
            "pdbx_number_of_molecules": ["1", "1", "190"],
            "pdbx_ec": ["", "?", "?"],
            "pdbx_mutation": ["?", "?", "?"],
            "pdbx_fragment": ["?", "?", "?"],
            "details": ["?", "?", "?"]